Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Both Deb and I grew up going to camp. I especially enjoyed camping out with my dad and brothers back in my Ohio days. This past week our family camped out, girls and all, at the ECBiH's family camp at Boracko Lake in the mountains of Bosnia Herzegovina. It was wonderful seeing so many friends from all around BiH. You might ask if our girls survived the rain storms, bugs, spiders, and cold showers...they passed with flying colors. Yes, we had a few screams here and there with a passing spider, but we all really enjoyed camping out.

Some fathers invest in small arms to protect their little girls as they start to grow up. I haven't had to resort to this yet. All our girls are growing up into lovely ladies. Recently our youngest, little Laura, showed that she has the makings of a flirt. All this past week during camp meetings Laura would go from older man to man sitting with them, squeezing their noses, sratching their beards. All with a beautiful smile. Everyone loves our little Laura.

The last two days of camp she finally met the man of her dreams, little Danijel from Capljina, who is five years old. They were really cute swiming and hanging o
ut with each other.

It's been a month of traveling for the Byroms - vacationing in Budapest for two weeks and then spending last week at the church family camp. Here are a few pictures of our family
summer fun...